Spring Valley Lake Association has made increased efforts to prevent the transfer of invasive mussels into our lake from other infested waters nearby. Both Quagga and Zebra mussels pose a threat to Spring Valley Lake’s eco-system, water intake systems and YOUR vessel.
Here are the steps that SVLA has taken to protect your lake:
The Public Safety Department has provided additional training to their staff regarding the dangers of invasive mussels, how to identify them and spot the signs of an infestation. This training has been dispersed with all Public Safety personnel including lifeguards, seasonal/beach officers, patrol staff, dispatchers and Supervisor's.
The department has implemented a vessel tagging system to coordinate with our standard invasive mussel inspections. Once an officer completes a full and detailed inspection of your vessel, they will place a mussel inspection tag through the ‘D-ring’ of your vessel and the ‘O-ring’ of your trailer clip. This will aid the inspecting officer in detecting whether or not your vessel had recently been placed in any other waterway that may be infested with invasive mussels.
Vessels that are discovered to contain invasive mussels, display the signs of such and/or contain biological presence are subject to a 7 day quarantine and will be marked with a red tag. These vessels will not be permitted on Spring Valley Lake until further inspection by a Public Safety Officer.
Here is what you can do and what to look for on your vessel to assist the Association in protecting our most valuable resource:
Inspect all open surfaces. Small mussels will feel like sandpaper.
Remove any biological plant life and animal materials.
Wash your vessel thoroughly.
Drain your bilge, bait/live wells and other compartments, and then allow to dry completely.
Ensure all ropes, tow-lines and anchor lines are dry.
Please allow your vessel to dry for five days prior to entering Spring Valley Lake after being placed upon any other body of fresh water.
Click on the thumbnail above if you would like more information regarding invasive mussels.
Report mussel findings to the Public Safety Department and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Invasive Mussel Hotline at 866-440-9530.