Lake Lowering 2022-2023

Information on this page is listed in reverse chronological order (from newest to oldest). 

Click Here to open the Disclosure document

Lake Coving Disclosure (10/24/23)
We are providing residents of a history of the lake coving repairs.
Click the image below to enlarge

Pumps (3/3/23) 
We have turned on the pumps for the lake! We will provide a detailed update next week!
Click the image below to enlarge
Coving Repair Update (1/6/23)
An Executive Board meeting took place on Thursday, January, 5, 2023 @6:00 PM via ZOOM. The Board of Directors have approved and will finalize contracts with Victorville Concrete for work on 17 lots, and LPC Inc. for work on Fishing Area #7 and 3 lots.The work should be completed approximately 45 days after approval. It will take approximately 90 days to fill our lake back to normal. SVLA’s maintenance team will be completing coving work on approximately 20 lots. Unforeseen weather may postpone the estimated completion date. The coving repair project will have an estimated total cost of $746,000.
Click the image below to enlarge
Coving Repair (12/6/22)
We have determined the areas of coving that are in the most critical condition. Property owners within the selected areas will be contacted.If you would like to hire contractors outside of the Association to work on your property, you must submit an Architectural application. We will expedite your repair request. Architectural applications are located at or inside the Association Office.
Click the image below to enlarge

Lakefront Property Owners (12/1/22)

Spring Valley Lake Association has completed the assessment of the lake coving and we are currently going out to bid. Once we receive the estimates for the repairs, we will begin scheduling for the work to be started on each lot. The Association will be making contact with the property owners whose lots will be receiving repairs, once estimates are received and approved. We have identified approximately 20 lots that will receive repairs immediately. Once the most critical lots have received repairs, we will move to Phase 2. Any property owners who are planning on having work done to their lot, independently, must submit an architectural application prior to starting work. 
Click the image below to enlarge


Fish Stocking Postponement (11/15/22)

Due to the lake lowering... We will not stock the lake this year. There will be a fish stocking in the Fall of 2023!
Click the image below to enlarge


Lake Lowering Updates (10/18/22)

Non-powered vessels are still allowed on the lake until further notice. Access to the launch ramp for non-powered vessels is located in the parking lot of the Association Office. You must use the call box located at the ramp to call Public Safety. You will need an officer to open the launch ramp for you. Designated fishing Areas will remain open for fishing until further notice. However, you must stay within the boundary of the fishing area. Do NOT enter the lake coving area. So far, we have lowered the lake by 22 inches. We will continue lowering it until we reach a total of 60 inches! We are now lowering the lake at a rate of 1 inch per day!m
Click the image below to enlarge

Marina Docks (10/11/22)

We are moving the Marina docks to deeper parts of the lake! 
As the water levels decline, the Marina area will become too shallow for the docks and we need to be able to assess the coving.

Click the images below to enlarge

2022-2023 Lake Lowering (June 8, 2022)

The lake will be at it’s lowest level approximately November 25th and we will begin our lake coving repairs approximately November 28th. The lake will be lowered approximately 60", which will expose 20 feet of shoreline. It is MANDATORY that any boats tied to docks or on a lift be removed from the water, and any floating docks be disconnected and tethered by October 2, 2022. If you fail to remove your vessel and/or disconnect your floating dock, you will be liable for all damages that may occur. Vessels will be permitted to be stored in driveways during the lake lowering. Non-powered vessels may still be permitted during the lowering of the lake.
This is a reoccurring project (reserve item) and will take place every other year... The next lake lowering will take place in 2024/2025. 

For more information, call the Association office at (760)245-9756

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