Benefits Received for Assessments

I.   Your 2023-2024 annual assessment is $1,651.002.  That is $137.58 a month, a mere $31.75 a  week, or only $4.52 a day. Your assessments pay only about 75 percent of the total funds necessary for the operation of the Association.  Your annual assessment is much lower than those paid in other similar associations in California3
II.  Your $4.52 a day provides you:
         A. Four large, well-maintained and patrolled family parks.
         B. A Community Building exclusively for the use of members4.
         C. An Equestrian Center with:
                  1.   Private clubhouse4,
                  2.   Horse boarding, and
                  3.   Miles of equestrian trails for the exclusive use of association members.
         D. A 200-acre private lake with boating4, 14 mini park fishing areas, a swimming area                  with Summer lifeguards and beach patrol, a marina with boat slips4, boat ramp, and                a fuel dispenser.
         E.  A Public Safety department that provides:
                  1.   Enforcement of SVLA rules and regulations;
                  2.   Lake, beach and park patrol to enforce restrictions and provide added safety                           and security for members, while on Association property;
                  3.   Medical aid response, assistance to law enforcement, and other emergency                             agencies when requested;
                  4.   Twenty-four hour proactive patrol within the community to deter criminal                                    activity.
         F. A Maintenance Department that maintains the Association’s facilities by:
                  1.   Maintaining all green belt areas, parks, EQ trails, beaches, Association                                     buildings and parking lots;
                  2.   Repairing, cleaning, and servicing Association vehicles;
                  3.   Providing electrical/plumbing and other building repairs as needed;
                  4.   Maintaining the lake, controlling lake vegetation, purchasing and scheduling                             fish stocking, and controlling and monitoring water purity and flow; and
                  5.   Providing marina maintenance and fuel pump/sales.
           G. A Code Enforcement Department to maintain the community’s standards that:
                  1.   Reviews all building plans and projects for compliance to Association                                       governing documents;
                  2.   Identifies conditions of disrepair and neglect, and work with property owner to                         rectify the problem;
                  3.   Assists property owners in the permit application process; and
                  4.   Represents the Association in court cases to enforce the governing                                         documents.  
           H.  An Administrative Staff that provides:     
                  1.   Facility rentals; membership recreational events
                  2.   Issue membership cards, vessel and pet registration; rental of slips and                                   equestrian stalls
                  3.   Support to the Board of Directors and committees as needed;
                  4.   Interacts with civil authorities for the benefit of the community; and
                  5.   Provides community relations representation.
1 This list is not intended to be a complete list of all the benefits enjoyed by members of this Association.
2 The fiscal period extends from November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024.
3 Average assessment information compiled from reports from The Community Associations Institute.
4 A modest fee may be charged to use some of the Association’s facilities.  Please contact the Association office for details and rental information.

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