Fishing Areas

Spring Valley Lake has 14 different fishing areas located within the community encompassing the lake. These are grassy areas which are shaded by mature trees.
 The list of fishing areas are listed below along with their location.

Click on the map to the right to enlarge, the fishing areas are labeled on the map in yellow
1.Spring Valley Parkway
at Marina (No Fishing)
2. Pier Drive
3. Anchor Drive
4. Spring Valley Parkway
(South of Mariner)
5. Mariner Drive
6. White Sail Drive
7. Spring Valley Parkway
(South of Lakeview)
8. Lakeview at Tahoe
9. Lakeview Drive
(North of Harbor)
10. Lakeview Dr.
(Between Seagull & Harbor)
11. Seagull Drive
(North of Niagara)
12. Niagara Drive
(South Side)
13. Pyramid Drive
14. Niagara Drive
(South Side)
15. Country Club Drive
(East of Mauka Ct.)

map of lake, fishing areas, direction of boat travel (counter clockwise)


Membership Cards are required at all common areas including Fishing areas. 
Because we are a private community a state fishing license is not required. 

Fish Stocking Schedule 2023-2024: weeks of Oct. 16, Oct. 23, Nov. 20,  Dec. 18, Jan. 15, Feb. 12


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